Call Us today to book a home visit podiatry appointment. Our podiatrist conveniently travel to you to provide all necessary treatment in the comfort of your own home. For certain people it can be a real challenge to attend the clinic but at Claremont Podiatry we believe optimal podiatry care should be open and accessible to everyone!



Claremont Podiatry provides an essential and easy home visit podiatry service with appointments available every week. No matter the problem or situation we strive to be able to offer a premium podiatry service not only in our clinic but also for home visits. We bring all our required equipment to you for your in-home appointment

Home Visit Podiatry Hobart

Foot pain and other medicals issues such has poor blood supply or diabetes can be extremely debilitating to your feet which can result in reduced quality of life. Home Visit Podiatry assistance can be extremely beneficial to certain clients.


    Home Visit Hours

    After Clinic Hours – from 5pm


    Your Home – We come to you

    We bring all the required equipment

    Premium podiatry service


    Home visit  $130  – Payment required at time of home consultation

    Medicare Rebate $60.35 *(Only with care plan referral from GP )

    We accept and work with some home care packages and Bulk Bill DVA Gold Card holders. We issue receipts for Private Health Rebates (full payment required at consultation)

    Payment is due on the day and we accept cash or card. We also accept All Private Health Insurers &  DVA Card Holders are Bulk Billed.

    Home Visit Podiatry by Tim Dolman 


    Tim is a member of the Australian Podiatry Association (APODA) and Sports and Exercise Podiatry Australia (SEPA) and completed his degree in Newcastle, NSW before making the move to Tasmania to apply his profession to the people of Tasmania.


    Tim has spent time learning in both public hospitals and private practice and has a great appreciation for the complexities of the foot, ankle and lower limb.


    Tim has a keen interest in surgeries, diabetes and high-risk foot care and, enjoys continued education and development of all aspects of podiatric lower limb care.

    Not sure if we can help? Request a call & our friendly reception will happily assist you.